Federal Institute of Science And Technology (FISAT)®

Accredited by NBA and NAAC ('A' Grade)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering In Association with FFSC


About Us

HACKFIT is a 36-hour Hackathon conducted as part of ICEFOSS 2022 commencing from the 5th of May 2022 to the 7th of May 2022. Participants can enter the competition individually or as a team of not more than 5 members. The Hackathon will have 2 rounds with round 1 being exclusively online. Qualifiers of the first round will be assigned a mentor to progress to the second round. The winning team along with the 2 runners up teams will be offered an opportunity to connect with some of our leading industry partners.

Problem Statement

App for screening the possible mental health issues in adolescents

Adolescence can be a risky period for mental health problems because teenagers are going through many changes and challenges in a short period. Globally, one in seven 10-19 year olds experience a mental disorder, accounting for 13% of the global burden of disease in this age group. Depression, anxiety, and behavioral disorders are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents.

Good mental health is important for healthy teenage development, strong relationships, and resilience. It can be hard to identify signs of mental health disorders during adolescence, especially as some diagnoses require individuals to be 18 years old, but early intervention can help teens learn healthier coping mechanisms. There are some mobile apps like KIRAN app, available for adolescents with mental issues which has already initiated a 24*7 Mental health Rehabilitation Helpline for addressing the mental health issues within the population. It is developed by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. Of India because about 20% of young people up to 18 years of age have a diagnosable mental health problem in India.

Other apps include calm, My3, MoodPath, and so on. Despite these apps being available, the evidence for their efficiency is unclear. It is necessary that an application be formulated to improve the accessibility of these services, especially for adolescents across the country. Not only will this help in self-registration but also in providing services to clients from the comfort of their home even if they are not ready to talk about it.

Staying Fit With Social Distancing

In the COVID -19 pandemic situation, where all of us were forced into our homes and had to quit working out in gyms and public spaces, maintaining workout routines became difficult. In such a situation, staying fit and eating healthy is important to build mental and physical well being. People often tend to slack off or find it hard to keep a routine as they simply lack motivation.

Development of a platform where one can not only see his/her progress but also view friends' progress can build motivation and can help in staying focused. This way one can maintain a healthy lifestyle with friends while practising social distancing and also motivate others to do the same. The application allows users to make and edit their own workout routine, based on a dataset (containing a variety of exercises), using which it calculates the amount of calories burnt. A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that is completed as a structured interview during which participants are asked to recall the food and drinks they have consumed over the last 24 hours. To accomplish this, it relies on a trained interviewer to provide the correct dataset and interviewing questions to be set up in the mobile application, an accurate memory of intake, the ability to estimate portion size, and the reliability of the interviews to avoid false reports.

Using a mobile application you can track the quality and quantity of food taken (with pictures). An AI-based smart food analyzer app that allows users to track their food intake and also recommends a diet chart based on their vata, kapha, and pitta constitutions. The application should enable users to consult trainers and dietitians for advice or personalized routines. To boost motivation it can also allow users to be part of a community where they can share experiences ,ask doubts and interact. The application can include gamification features that will motivate the user to follow their routines and diet charts(like badges, points, etc.). An individual can compare their total calorie intake and total calories burnt over a period of time (like a day,week or month).

The general idea is to develop a mobile application or software where it can perform various functions such as allowing users to set fitness goals, tracking caloric intake, gathering workout ideas,viewing one’s peers’ progress and sharing progress on social media to facilitate healthy behavior change.The application can be used as a platform to promote healthy behavior change with personalized workouts, fitness advice and nutrition plans.

App to Report Drug Trafficking Anonymously

Due to its proximity to two of the "three key production areas" for opium, India is facing an illegal drug crisis. But cross-border trafficking explains only part of the illicit drug trade that runs through the country. The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, states that India is the world's largest generic drug manufacturer. However, there are reports of illegal chemical precursor trades, as well as clandestine manufacturing and storage of synthetic drugs.

Consider the possibility of a drug peddler in your neighbourhood. You see him supplying drugs to people, including kids in your locality as well as other areas. At present drug trafficking can only be reported via the narcotics squad or local police station. There is no digital means to report it. In spite of your desire to report it, you're afraid of the potential mishaps that may occur if the peddler finds out about the informant. This is not a viable option since most of the public are not willing to reveal their profiles.

It is proposed to develop a mobile application that would allow the public to anonymously report drug trafficking. Using this, people will be able to report such cases and the number of drug trafficking cases will eventually come down substantially. There is a chance that there may be many false alarms if the system is anonymous, and some of them may be intentional. Therefore by utilizing machine learning models, the solution should be able to filter out the false alarms. Ideally, users should be able to upload any relevant information about the finding and it should be feasible for them to use it across languages.


First Prize

₹ 25,000

Second Prize

₹ 15,000

Third Prize

₹ 10,000


Job Opportunity From...

Technology Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

A hackathon is an event that brings together experts and creates a collaborative environment for solving a certain problem. The aim is to design, build and present the most innovative solution to a problem, and then pitch a final concept or prototype by the end of the event.

Register for events that you are interested in and you shall receive link of the registered events through email and whatsapp. First round which is an online round is idea pitching where teams put up their innovative ideas and judges select the best ideas among them. The selected teams are notified through mail two weeks prior to Hackfit. The selected teams are then invited to FISAT for the 3 days. Second round is the final round where the selected teams will make their projects and the best 3 would be chosen for cash prizes and much more!

25th April 2022 is the last date to register. So what are you waiting for? Register and be a part of this amazing journey

Registration is absolutely free. Teams can pitch their ideas and the teams with the best innovative ideas are selected. The selected teams are invited to FISAT and are required to pay Rs.1000 to present their final project in the 3 days hackathon.

Everybody is welcome and can apply.

Go ahead and visit hackfit.fisat.ac.in and register for events according to your interests. Have another question that didn't get answered here - please check the contact section and feel free to contact us.